The electrical conduit is the name given to the pipe through which run electrical wires. They can be made from plastic, fiber, fired clay, or metal and are used when routing wires in order to make sure they can be grouped together in a safe manner and can be found at RS Components.

Electrical Conduits

Safety is ultimately the main reason why electrical conduits are used as the conduits, whether rigid or more flexible in nature, are able to protect wires, making them particularly useful in locations that are exposed, such as on a wall’s exterior surface, or in areas that are unfinished. Surface-mounted installations in exterior locations are another place where electrical conduits can be particularly beneficial.

Wires are isolated by the use of conduits so as to avoid exposure, which considerably reduces the chances of serious problems such as short-circuits, fires or electrocution. 

Where can electrical conduits work?

Many electrical conduits are rated for use in outdoor locations. PVC electrical conduits, for example, are frequently made use of in locations that are situated in underground or which feature a lot of water or moisture. A PVC conduit is non-conductive, meaning that a ground green wire can be run within it to ensure the correct grounding methods are used at connection points. 

Tight areas where regular conduits would be unable to sufficiently bend can make use of flexible metal conduits, while EMT conduits are ideal for use inside of walls and IMC conduits are also good for outdoor use because they are galvanized and thus thicker and stronger. Galvanised Rigid Conduits are recommended for use in industrial installations by the majority of electricians. IMC conduits are also encouraged for use on exposed walls where there is a chance of the conduit being damaged or struck. 

Thicker and heavier than all other conduits are rigid metal conduits, which can be used in areas with more extreme conditions. Rigid electrical conduits are particularly favored by utility firms because of their strong and durable nature. 


Connectivity is a major benefit of making use of electrical conduits. They are able to group all wires in the same place while simultaneously keeping them separated from different wire connections. The fact that the wiring is placed in a protective sleeve also results in maintenance being considerably simpler because the conduits clearly indicate where the wires are connected to. 

The majority of electrical conduits, particularly those intended for use outdoors or in difficult locations, are also designed to be resistant to water and fire, which further enhances circuit integrity. 

The use of electrical conduits can also even come with aesthetic benefits, depending on how the space they will be used within has been designed. 

Conduit also comes in a variety of different sizes, with the size needed is determined by how many wires are intended to run through them. The exact type of electrical conduit to be used will also be dependent on local and national wiring codes. Regulations should always be checked before going ahead with an installation.

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