
In the present internet era, every one heard the word Google. Google is the top ranked Internet Company in the world. Google offers its users to access online services as Youtube, Gmail, Picasa Web Albums, Google plus, Google drive and many more. Google launched a special facility to their users called Google Takeout services.

Through the Takeout service, the user can download the Google data in their computer as a zip file to store the backup using the Google online services.

Google modified its Takeout service by adding Youtube service inside it. Now the Takeout service helps its users to download their uploaded previous Youtube videos by simply using their related account.

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Follow the steps given below to download Your Youtube videos:

Step 1:

The user has to sign in their Google account from the Google Takeout service link.

Step 2:

Now click the choose services button and from the drop down list panel, select the Youtube services link.

Step 3:

Now click the create archive button.

The Google will complete the task within some seconds. As a result, the user will get a link download. The link will be for zip archive format. The user has to click the Create Archive button, and then they will be reached the download page.

From the following download pages, the user has to click on the Download button.

download your youtube videos-google-drive

Thus the user can download all their previous YouTube videos in their computer.

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