Hidden Features Of Windows 10

Windows 10 is the greatest Operating System ever introduced by the Microsoft. It has many features which most of the users are not aware of. Knowing better about any device or Operating System will let you use the system to its fullest.

There are a number of tips and tricks to know about Windows 10 more deeply than what the users usually know. Here are we to help you with some of them on the list. I’m sure, these hidden features will definitely get you a little more of your Windows 10 experience.

1. Secret Desktop:

Do you know there is a secret desktop on the screen of a Windows 10 desktop? Yes! It is available at the bottom right corner of the screen. Moving the mouse to that vertical box will minimize all the tabs and windows that are open at that time. You can find this exactly adjacent to the time and date which is displayed at the bottom right.

2. Search without Search Box:

Search box

Windows 10 has the Cortana app to help you search for whatever you ask. Cortana is simply a search box in your device. But if you have unfortunately deleted that app from your device, then how will you search files and folders on your device? Is there any other search box? Yes! Of course. Simply click the Windows button and type the file name or the folder name or whatever you need. It will display the search result on the top.

3. Add or remove Software from Startup folder:

Add or remove Software

Click Ctrl+R (Run command) and type “shell:startup” and press enter button. This will take you to a window with a folder that contains shortcuts for all the apps that automatically starts on Windows startup. You can add your own software or remove the existing one which you don’t need to start on Windows startup. Copy the shortcut of the required Software and paste it in the startup folder. To disable the startup apps and services, use the <msconfig> run command with more powerful options.

4. Speed up loading time:

Speed up loading time

While opening some folders in the Windows 10, it eats up a lot of time loading in File Explorer. File Explorer adds new features and arranges them depending upon the type of files and folders it contains. And if the folder contains various types of files, it takes some more time to load the content. You can get out of this processing time by changing the folder properties.

Right click on the folder and tap on properties. Then click on customize tab and select followed by General items. This will reduce the loading time.

5. Add God Mode folder:

GodMode folder

GodMode is a folder which consists of links to all the hidden settings of the Windows 10. It’s a master folder where you can find everything. How to create this GodMode folder? First, create a folder on the desktop and name it “God Mode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}” and press enter. Now you are ready with a GodMode folder. With this GodMode folder, you can create shortcuts of any settings applet.

6. Run Shell commands from Windows File Explorer:

Run shell command

You can run the Shell commands directly from the File Explorer address bar. But how this can be obtained? You just need to type any command in the address field and press enter. This doesn’t require you to open the run dialogue box.

7. Find the Windows 10 expiry date:

Windows 10 expiry date

To know the expiry date of the Windows 10 Operating System on your device, it’s just a step backward. Run the command “winver”. This will give the clear information about the Windows 10.

8. Create shortcuts for every app installed with AppsFolder:

Shortcuts for apps

Click Ctrl+R to type “Shell:AppsFolder”. The Apps folder will open. Now create a shortcut for any of the hidden Chrome app or a Windows Universal app. Open the Apps Folder and right click on it to create a shortcut.

9. Disable Windows Update:

Win update disabler

Some users don’t like Windows updates and they just stand on the same old OS instead. These people use the same Windows without any update or upgrade of OS. For those users can completely disable Windows update. You just need to download the tool and click here for that tool called “Win update disabler”. This tool will help you disable Windows OS updates, Windows Defender, and even the firewall updates.

10. Uninstall Windows Universal apps:

Uninstall Windows Universal apps

There is a way to uninstall the built-in Windows app. Just install the system cleaning app CCleaner. This app will let you uninstall the Windows Universal apps without messing up with the Powershell.

These are some of the hidden features of Windows 10 that can help you know more about the Operating System.

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