What Is The Number Of Sand Grains On The Earth?

Sand Grains

Have you ever thought what would be the count of the number of sand grains on the earth? Did you ever try to count the number of sand grains in a heap or the stars in the sky? Do you think it is possible either? It might be a bit possible to count the number of sand grains in a teaspoon. However, it will take days to complete counting the sand grains in a teaspoon. But I bet, it is absolutely impossible to count the number of stars in the sky or the sand grains on the Earth.

One of the Astronomers, Carl Sagan is famous for saying that “The stars in the universe are more than the grains of sand on all beaches and deserts on the Earth”. There are millions and billions of stars in the galaxy. When you multiply the stars by the galaxies, it may result in a minimum of some 10 sextillion stars in the universe. And at the higher end, there are 200 sextillion stars in the universe.

Moreover, there is a Hubble space telescope and calculator to count the number of stars in the universe. But what is there to count the grains of sand on the Earth. Imagine each grain of sand would be a 1/2 mm. Arranging 20 of these sand grains in a line would measure 1 cm. Calculating likewise, 8,000 grains would fit in 1 cubic centimeter. Arranging 10 sextillion grains of sand in a circle would have a radius of 10.6 km. Similarly, 200 sextillion grains of sand will cover a radius of 72km. But do you think that all the beaches and deserts on the earth cover 72 km of the Earth’s surface?

No! According to Dr.Jason Marshall Aka, a Math Dude, the beaches, and deserts on the earth covers about 700 trillion cubic meters of the Earth. This results that the number of grains of sand in all the beaches and the desserts on the Earth is around 5 sextillion. We can consider this count to be at the lower end. The count would be a maximum of 10 sextillion grains of sand on the world’s beaches and deserts.

Now what we conclude is that the number of sand grains in all beaches and deserts on the Earth is 10 times more than the stars in the universe.

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