How Much Space required for Windows 10?

How Much Space required for Windows 10?

Space need for Windows 10 We can see the process that you can keep your Windows 10 installation to a minimum. Make It Smaller The windows 10 installation size is small when compared to the previous versions such as windows 8. The period between the two operating systems … Continue Reading →
How to Use Your Phone as Scanner with ScanR

How to Use Your Phone as Scanner with ScanR

Phone As a Scanner With ScanR Your mobile phone’s camera can be used as a scanner irrespective of where you are. A service called ScanR helps you to capture information or data from either whiteboard or paper documents and can be digitized rapidly. How does this work? Step … Continue Reading →
The Top Password managers of 2016

The Top Password managers of 2016

The Best Password Managers In the recent times, a hacking team which has created a self-healing computer system was awarded $2 million where the competition was sponsored by DARPA. Whereas the old servers that have passwords for the security of the websites which you visit haven’t yet got … Continue Reading →
Best Cheap Chromebook 2016

Best Cheap Chromebook 2016

I love Chromebooks there are these complete back to basics computers that show how much you can get without actually spending that much. If you’re looking for a cheap computer right now this is the first place you should go but not all chrome books are created equal … Continue Reading →