Microsoft Awards Imagine cup For Start up ENTy
The celebrations have covered for Microsoft’s Imagine Cup, a global competition between students and young people to create latest software and devices. The winner this year was Start up ENTy, a refined and highly practical hardware solution for trailing posture, helping with diagnosis and possibly treatment of diseases which influence balance.
There are 35 teams in the finals, grouped into three categories namely: innovation, games, and global citizenship. After the winners was selected for every game all of them gifted to a team f judges on Wednesday. The three members got $50,000, each but the grand prize will be reserved for Satya Nadella who served for today’s final service.
Those and all celebrated at my own Garfield high school and filled up our newly renovate Quincy Jones Auditorium. An active beat boxer opened things up, but in that being earlier 9am and coffee will not come inside, I was willing for things to get taking place in serious.

Ultimately the finalists were lead out, including the three judges:Dr Jennifer Tang who is a founder of Eyemania and also previous winner; John Boyega, Who you can remember since 2011’s Attack the Block and some flip about a Star war and Kasey Champion ,who is specialist in computer education specialist at Microsoft Learning.
In the game’s category PH21’s clever mobile title, Timelie which joins tactical stealth control over time. In global citizenship was Team Amanda, which plans to stop discrimination by the VR experience that process the user’s response to discriminating- related media. And a modernism was ENTy.
ENTy (ENT- that stands for ear, nose and throat-not the sentient trees ) which is a machinery and app that check balance and pose in real time, that means it helps to doctors diagnose and check the ear inner ear problems such as vertigo.
The patient tie the size of a cigarettes pack on a device to the small at their back, and a group of sensors send information to the associated app. There is a immediate readout of position and you can watch for more time and also you can test that, for example the patient needs to stand straight about 20 seconds with their eyes closed.
The team consists of three members,lulian Razvan Matesica on hardware who is from Romania’s University Politechnica, Cristian Alexandrescu who works on app , and Flavia opera who is on business development. She had taken the leading position in presenting the fielding technical questions and tremendously well I may include;In fact every presentation I seen is highly polished,particularly for those who students English is not their Firs, or second language.
ENTy’s next step, most probably to make the device some more presentable after getting some real talk from Microsoft CEO. They are already verified it with number of doctors as well hundreds of patients and the output is very positive, but the device is not ready for its close-up as what they said.
“The doctors said they no need any smaller,” Oprea said Thursday in one question. “But we got a plan to make smaller B2C-it should be, how can you say ,a sexy wearable ,for everybody.”
They are working in a firm at Bucharest to design and support the device outside doctor’s offices till the end, while the medical side is also strictly pursued-but that looks like mainly paperwork. Gathering information for machine learning is also on the table, but there is also having more red tape connected with that.

Next to ceremony, Oprea also said with great confidence about the diagnosis of young ladies in technology, at least in Bucharest.
She said that “The number of girls that are interested is growing.” And “We’re telling them not to be scared, and not to listen to unhelpful advice for example ‘computers are for boys.’”
In the final treat, Microsoft requested Garfield’s principal, Ted Howard, come on to the stage to agree the donation: “$100,000 value of” surface books, in which I took 85 or 90 of them. The school seems to be so better than late 90’s when I used to go there, but best you believe GHS will be thankful for the presentation- in some way I doubt whether they are swimming in laptops.
These are the celebrations of Microsoft 2016 Awards imagine cup for hardware Start up ENTy .Here’s looking confident to next year’s cup and the new ideas that come along with it.
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