Stop your friends event-spamming


The Students will be willing to see some fests happening in the city. If flattering is once or twice, it’s okay but if it’s more than that means spamming. If you are tired of the event spam then you have an easy way to confirm you aren’t bothered by that person anymore. This confirms that you will never get an invite from that person ever again. For instance, if you are invited by that person, get her or him to Facebook Message you link to the event and say you’re willing to go or not after joining. Feel free to continue if you’re happy. Never get another invite from them again.


Firstly, you need to go to the event’s page on Facebook. You should see a pop-up box and hit Decline located on the top right of the page.

You should see at the bottom of the pop-up box with a link “Ignore Invites from (name)”. You should get another pop-up box that asks you for confirmation by tapping on that link. Hit Ignore. Now you don’t have to worry about friends spamming you again.


Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that you can’t be invited to events hosted by that friend, another one of your friends has to add you to the list. You can add yourself to the event. Basically, this stopping invites from a particular person known for spamming you and your friends with events.

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