Clean Up Your Facebook News Feed

fb news feed

News Feed is the updating list of stories in the middle of your homepage. It includes status photos, videos, updates, app activity, links, and likes from Pages, groups, and people, that you follow on Facebook. Facebook’s new News Feed Preferences page gives you more options to customize the content you see. It lets you select the friends and pages you like to see at the top of your news feed and offers ways to unfollow and hide posts from friends. It also visible the people you have already unfollowed.

Facebook’s news feed algorithm determines the posts you see and the others which you can’t see works in progress and pain point for users since years. Social network took other steps toward giving back some control this week with a new set of preferences. As this dictate which friends and pages you want to see content from first.

Jacob Frantz, product manager at Facebook said: “We know that ultimately you’re the only one who truly knows what is most meaningful to you, and that is why we want to give you more ways to control what you see.”

View most recent


Everyone’s posts on Facebook news feeds will be more than 1,500 per day. It determines the work depending on the number of factors which posts are more important and only visible relevant 10 percent. This means you are missing more information that changes by switching your news feed view from Top Stories to Most Recent.

Tap the drop-down menu that appears when you hover over the News Feed button on the left side to find that option. Click the More option on mobile, then select Most Recent. Your news feed allows you to reload the show you posted in a sequence.

Hide friends and pages


Many guys do postings and flood your news feed with annoying memes. There are few ways to rid them of your news feed.


Click on “Unfollow people to hide their posts” to unfollow someone via Facebook’s new News Feed Preferences page. Go to list of friends and pages and tap them if you want to unfollow. There is a variation in unfollowing and unfriending your friends. Unfollowing means you will be Facebook friends but only you won’t see their posts on your news feed. Use the search bar to navigate to their timeline if you aren’t interested in scrolling your list of friends and pages within the News Feed Preferences page. Tap the Following button beside their profile picture located at the top of their page and then select Unfollow.

You can directly unfollow a friend in your news feed itself through his posts. Move the cursor on the post and tap Unfollow from the drop-down menu on the right.

Prioritize friends and pages


Click the More tab at the bottom to access News Feed Preferences from a mobile and then scroll to Settings, click News Feed Preferences. To select pages and friends, find “Prioritize who to see first.”

Click their profile picture to add a friend. You will be able to see the stories they shared after loading your news feed since your last visit to Facebook at the top. To show that Facebook has prioritized them, their posts features a star in the top-right corner. To see the rest of your news feed content, scroll beyond your starred posts.


Move the cursor over the News Feed button in the menu on the left to prioritize pages and friends. Tap the gear icon, select Edit Preferences. This shows you the friends who appeared most in your news feed in the last week. You can also sort your friend list in a sequence. Tap on the drop-down menu besides their name and select See First to prioritize a friend. Tap the Pages tab from the menu on the left to prioritize pages.

Sort by pages feed

pages feed

It might be useful to view posts separately if you follow many news outlets, or subscribe to retailer pages for promotions and discounts without the noise from your friends. This option will be visible under the Pages subhead on the left-side navigation. To load content only from the pages you have liked by tapping Pages Feed.

Use lists


From selected people as friends lists is a simple way to view posts. Tap More next to the Friends subhead for finding this on the left-side menu. Go to Lists page, tap Create List. Assign it a name and add members. The list appears on the left-side navigation under the Friends subhead after completing. Tap on the friend list to show updates in your news feed from only them.

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