Send files to a cell/mobile phone using Bluetooth Technology

Do you like to have a ringtone on your mobile? Or have an image from your laptop/computer on your phone? Follow this Bluetooth Technology if you do!

Tips to send files1.     Make sure your computer is equipped with Bluetooth technology (either integrated into the machine or a USB dongle) and active.

Tips to send files2.     Turn on Bluetooth on your mobile device.

  • This option can frequently be found in the Settings or Connectivity menu of your phone.
  • Once both are able to be seen, find Bluetooth devices on your mobile phone.Pair your computer with your mobile device by making both devices discoverable (also known as visible or unhidden) in the Bluetooth options.

Tips to send files

3.  Pair your computer with your mobile device by making both devices discoverable (also known as visible or unhidden) in the Bluetooth options

Tips to send files4. Place the name of your computer in the results list and select it.

Tips to send files5. Enter a 4 to 8 digit passcode of your own choosing and press continue.

  • If you are pairing with a Bluetooth headset or other screen-less device, the passcode will be either 0000, or offered in the device’s manual.

Tips to send files6. Once your devices are paired, you can send and receive files.

Tips to send files7. There are several methods to send a file to your mobile device.

  • There is one method is to copy the file from your computer, find the way to your mobile device (frequently found in My Computer or My Bluetooth Places) and then paste the file to the mobile phone.
  • One more option is to right-click on the required file and select send To –> Bluetooth Device –> (mobile phone’s name). Some phones do not support the necessary profile to let file transfers, and instead only provide support for Bluetooth headsets.

Tips to send files8. While the file is being transferred, you should see a progress bar on your computer and/or phone.

  • Once the file is finished transferring, a message stating such should show up on your device’s screen.

Tips to send files

9. Find the transferred file on your mobile phone by using the phone’s built-in file explorer.

This is all about Tips to send files to your cell/mobile by using Bluetooth Technology.

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Article and Image Source: WiKihow