Best Workout before WorkWorkouts

There is no need for you to spend an hour or two in the gym everyday to keep your body fit. In fact, you can get a high-intensity workout before you go to work. The below are 10 easy ways to Workout before going to office or getting into your work. These tips and exercises will maximize your morning workout.

1. Preparation :


One of the most important aspects of working out before work is Preparation. You need to plan your schedule exactly for the workout, shower, and your breakfast. You must also regularly remind yourself of your goals to ensure that you don’t hit the Snooze button instead.

2. Warm Up In Bed :


It’s hard to workout in the morning. But just think of a workout without warming up. It’s not at all hard! You can warm up while getting out of bed. Simply stretch your arms completely towards the ceiling, and when taking your legs off the bed, pull each knee towards your chest. This helps loosen your muscles. And while standing up, lightly hop from one foot to the other. This helps your body to get ready for the workout.

3. Run Before Work, Not to Work :


Running is the best workout if you’re having half an hour. Better run in a route that you are familiar with so that you don’t get lost of the way while returning. Run fast and run hard, and strive for a longer route each day. When you come back, you’ll have burnt the calories in your body and brought upon a “runner’s high.” This will boost you and make your day at the office enjoyable.

4. Push-ups :


Push-ups are a bit harder for beginners, but they are extremely effective. They help you to gain muscle mass along burning calories, and they can shape your arms in no time. Do three repetitions of as many push-ups as you can. Day-by-day you’ll find them getting easier. Then try to move your arms outwards for added resistance. You can also put your feet on an elevated surface to increase the tension.

5. Pull-ups :


Your back needs a workout too, and pull-ups are the perfect way to help. Get a pull-up bar for you, otherwise, you can use a stable tree or the monkey bars from a nearby playground. Pull-ups will help to strengthen your arms, shoulders, and especially your back which helps to keep injuries at bay.

6. Morning Squats :



Morning squats are great for your legs, and they also provide a great way to warm up and cool down. Simply do 30 body weight squats before and after your workout, and this will not only help your legs and butt, but your circulation as well.

7. Jumping Squats :



Try to jump between squats for an added cardio blast. This will get your heart pumping in no time, and it’s guaranteed to get you more awake before the cup of coffee. Remember to land lightly on your feet, and keep each landing soft enough so that it’s barely audible.

8. Jumping Jacks :


Jumping jacks are simple, we know, but you can tweak them just a little bit to make them a truly killer exercise. To do this, just start performing jumping jacks and then slowly lower yourself into a squatting position. The goal is to continue doing jumping jacks while in a squat, and this will give your lower body a truly intensive workout.

9. Cool Down :


You should lower your heart-rate before heading out to work, and you can do this by slowly walking throughout your house, swinging your arms in slow and controlled circles, and by lightly jogging in place. By doing this, you will feel great later at work, and you will be excited for your next workout!

10. Have A Meal Ready :


Plan for your meal after the workout so that you can keep up your energy for the entire day. Let your post-workout meal be something which is high in proteins, such as eggs and milk. You can also have oats with blueberries, otherwise check the Jades Diet Blog. All this will help you to lose weight. Plan ahead so that you don’t rush off to the office without your meal.

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