Lemon Diet – Reduce Weight 1kg per day
It is an inevitable increase of obesity age on age. To get rid of the obesity problem lot of people are spending countless hours in the gym. Simply doing exercise at the gym won’t reduce body weight. Beverages, food items which insist body metabolism should be consumed. In respect to that, WikiMonks discovered a drink which will reduce weight 1kg per day. Medical Experts named it as lemon diet.
As per experts, high-intensity interval training workouts with strong pre-workout supplements can also greatly help you to achieve your fitness goals.
Lemon Diet
If you take this lemon diet, harmful toxins and dirt are completely removed from your body. Body’s metabolism will be induced and immune system will be strengthened. Throughout the day, you will feel like energetic.
This will also call as Beyonce Lemon Diet. The Pop Singer Beyonce reduced 38kg after delivery of her baby by undertaking this diet.
Water – 8 tbsp
Lemon – 6
Honey – 1/2 cup
Mint – 10 leaves
Ice Cubes – Few
Heat a water to warm and add lemon juice, honey, mint then stir well for 2 minutes. Take down the bowl from stove and make it cool. Put the bowl in refrigerator for many hours.
Ice Cubes
Whenever you drink this lemon diet mixture add one ice cube. Because whenever body intakes cold beverages or food items body uses it a maximum force to make it warm.
Drink a glass of this lemon diet mixture before eating breakfast. You should take breakfast as only fruit salad. After 11 o’clock, sip the 2nd glass of the drink with some almonds.
Eat 2 boiled Egg and lettuce salad in the afternoon. And the lettuce salad should contain some spice powder, olive oil and a little apple cider vinegar.
Another glass of lemon drink must drink after 4 o’clock . The berries should be taken lightly.
Eat Grilled Fish or chicken at night. After 2 hours before bedtime drink a glass of lemon diet mixture drink.
Notes:This method must continue for 5 days. Unhealthy or Junk or tin or processed foods should be completely avoided during this period.
Image Source: Tamil BoldSky