A phishing attack can be described as the process in which a scammer or a criminal sends fake and fraudulent emails to a group of random people asking them to open the link in the email, fill a form, or download a file that contains malicious software. The emails are used to extract the personal information of the victims such as bank account details and credit card pin numbers. The scammers steal the money along with the identity of the victims.

No one is less vulnerable to a phishing attack. Business enterprises and organizations are even more at risk as scammers love to target those in particular. That is because when an employee of an enterprise falls prey to a phishing attack, the scammers get access to the entire system of the enterprise and they can steal a huge amount of money and information in one attempt.

What to Look for in an Anti-Phishing Software

Things to Know About Anti-Phishing Software

Business enterprises need to be more vigilant and updated when it comes to tackling the phishing attacks. It has been found that more than 30% of the phishing emails get opened by the employees. Imagine the risk of being duped by a scammer. To avoid such circumstances, enterprises need to have a powerful next-gen email security system that will effectively detect all fraudulent emails and keep the system safe.

When looking for anti-phishing software, it is important to understand that scammers are getting innovative and phishing is now an organized crime. A group of criminals works together to target and attack an enterprise. This means, the management cannot compromise on the quality of the anti-phishing software and has to opt for the best and advanced email security system available in the market.

A phishing attack could cause the following problems for an enterprise.

  • Loss of Money
    • Scammers can financially drain an enterprise in a single attack. It could cost billions of dollars and money in most instances cannot be recovered.
  • Ruined Reputation
    • When a big brand or a name cannot protect itself from a phishing attack, it does not send a good message to the shareholders and customers. Moreover, there might be lawsuits for breach of security.
  • Data Loss
    • Data of customers, investors, etc. are confidential information and having it stolen could result is a disaster for the business enterprise.

As an enterprise spends time looking for anti-phishing software, the following parameters would help them decide and finalize the best email security system that suits its requirements and specifications.

  • Machine Learning and Computer Vision Technology
    • The software, when built on the cloud, can become invisible to the scammers. Inspecting every single element of an email to identify traces of fake or malicious content is crucial for anti-phishing software. Analyzing the code, using brand profiling to compare the patterns, are some of the advanced techniques the software should have.
  • Effortless Deployment
    • The anti-phishing software should be able to completely integrate with any of the existing email systems used by enterprises. It should seamlessly fit in and act as a protective screen between the phishing attacks and the email system. The software can be integrated with any of the email systems such as Office 365, G Suite, Exchange, etc.
  • Easy to Monitor
    • The interactive dashboard should be automatically updated each time a phishing threat is detected, quarantined, and neutralized. It will help the management keep track of all the attempts made by scammers.
  • User-friendly Warnings
    • Employees should be notified about a suspected fraudulent email. A banner that pops up with each email notifying the user about the email will go a long way in helping root out all the fake emails.
    • Words such as fraud, brand forgery, malicious, safe, etc. are easy to understand and help users. Reporting of the email should be easy and preferably done with a single click on the banner.
  • Works Everywhere
    • Enterprises allow employees to use their personal devices for work as it helps in increased productivity. The best anti-phishing software would be the one that can work on any device and in any location so that the employees are always safe from a phishing attack.

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