The Covid19 outbreak has resulted in the increase of complex phishing email schemes by hackers and other cybercriminals. Several businesses and individuals reported that they have been receiving malicious phishing emails from cybercriminals. This has urged businesses to identify security threats and vulnerabilities.

In the sophisticated phishing emails, cybercriminals have posed themselves as WHO (World Health Organization) and CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). The increase in these kinds of cyberattacks is why businesses should start to identify network security threats.

Network Security Threats
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It is crucial to remember that most phishing emails are specifically designed to trick and deceive email recipients into opening an attachment with a virus or clicking a malicious link. Here is a detailed guide on how to identify security threats and vulnerabilities to help you get started.

What Is A Network Security Threat?

In simple words, a network security threat can be defined as a flaw or weakness that cybercriminals can exploit for performing unauthorized actions within a certain computer system. This means that a network security threat can pose a serious threat to your data systems and network.

Attempts to obtain access to confidential business data and to breach your network are network threats. However, it is essential to note that there are different types of network threats, and they all have different goals.

For instance, DDoS or distributed denial-of-service attacks attempt to shut down business servers or networks by overwhelming them with requests. On the other hand, there are other threats such as credential theft or malware trying to steal business data.

That said, spyware inserts itself into the network of an organization. The spyware will lie in the network and collection data from your business.

What Are Common Network Threats?

Network threats can come in different forms, and they evolve and change regularly. Therefore, businesses that want to ensure greater security should try to gain a clear understanding of different types of network threats. To make things simpler, we have listed some of the most common network threats that most businesses face.

Common Network Threats
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  • Computer Virus

Do you know that computer viruses are one of the common network threats that affect millions of users? A recent report indicated that malware had affected nearly 33 per cent of household computers and half of them are computer viruses.

Computer viruses are pieces of software systems created to spread from one computer system to another. Computer viruses are often sent in the form of email attachments. However, you may also unintentionally download them from malicious websites that are looking to infect computers.

Computer viruses may steal data, disable the security systems of your business, corrupt data, and send spam. This means that computer viruses can delete everything on your device and steal even your password and other personal information.

  • Phishing

Phishing can be described as a network threat that focuses on obtaining confidential and sensitive data like credit card numbers, passwords, and usernames. Phishing attacks usually come in phishing emails and instant messages, which are made to look genuine.

Recipients are tricked into opening such emails, which results in the installation of malware on their computers. It is crucial to note that phishing attacks may also try to obtain your personal details. A report released by Microsoft revealed that phishing had become one of the common types of cyberattacks in recent years.

  • SQL

Most business owners and admins would probably be aware that servers, which store data for websites, use SQL. It is evident that network security threats have become complex, sophisticated, and advanced with the progression in the technology field.

This has, in turn, resulted in an increased number of SQL injection attacks. SQL injection attacks usually target data-driven apps. These types of network security threats use malicious code for obtaining, altering, and destroying data.

  • Rootkit

In simple words, a rootkit can be defined as a collection of software tools, which offers admin-level access and remote control over computer networks or a computer. After obtaining remote access, the rootkit will start to perform several malicious actions.

Rootkit usually comes equipped with antivirus disablers, password stealers, and keyloggers. In addition, rootkits are usually hidden in legitimate software programs. When users allow the software to make changes, they get automatically installed to your computer and wait for the cyber attacker to enable or activate it.

Rootkit Cyber data
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How To Identify Threats and Vulnerabilities?

The first and most important thing you should do is regularly monitor your business network to identify vulnerabilities and threats. When monitoring the system, you should analyze the network’s security system as a cyber attacker would.

This will make it easy for you to identify the security weaknesses in the network, which can cause serious issues to the network. Here are a few more tips that will come in handy when you are trying to identify security vulnerabilities and threats.

  • Threat Intelligence

If you keep a close eye on what type of cyberattacks are launched by hackers to similar businesses, you will be able to identify the threat landscape. This means that you will have a better idea of what types of attacks are more likely to happen. Due to this, businesses will be able to protect themselves from an attack before it happens.

  • Penetration Testing

Businesses that have taken necessary safety measures would probably want to check how their defences hold up when there is an attack. Therefore, you should use penetration testing to test the defence.

  • Managing Permission

Several businesses often tend to focus less on managing employee permissions because they do not think of it as a security risk. However, you don’t have to give everyone access to confidential business data and other essential documents.

Therefore businesses should consider segmenting their network and managing permission. This will make sure that your network is protected against malicious insiders and data breaches.

How To Prevent It?

It might surely surprise several businesses when they hear that data breach costs over 3 million dollars on average. Fortunately, adopting the necessary security measures and implementing them properly will help your business stay away from data breaches and other cyber-attacks.

Businesses that are operating online should consider using network protection measures. To ensure the safety of your network, you will need to do the following things.

  • Use IPS/IDS for tracking potential packet floods.
  • Install a firewall.
  • Buy and install an SSL certificate.
  • Ensure accurate access controls.

Apart from that, running websites should buy and install the right kind of SSL on the website. This will make your website a lot more secure, along with making it look trustworthy to visitors. In addition, it will secure the in-transit communication that transpires between the web browser and the client-server. If you need to secure multiple domains with one certificate, we suggest you go for a premium yet cheap multi domain ssl. You can add up to 250 SANs (varies from provider to provider.). It will secure multiple domains in a single certificate which saves time and money.

Final Thoughts

Keeping all the software systems in your business updated and properly educating employees about security threats and vulnerability will also reduce the chances of cyberattacks. In addition, outdated software systems may contain vulnerabilities that are not present in the updated version.

Default policy settings and misconfigured firewalls on operating systems put them at higher risk if you fail to make adequate changes. In addition, network threats and vulnerability can make your business a target for hackers and cybercriminals if not appropriately addressed.


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