How To Encrypt USB Drive


USB flash drives are becoming more important day-by-day, sine we are using that drives for storing our important files. They are also portable, helping us to carry our files. The USB drives are small storage devices, used to share the files by its portability.

One big problem is also there; while using USB drives the problem occurs when we store some important files in it. When we forget the place where we kept that flash drives, or it may be stolen or misplaced. On that situations, we may worry about the important data can be accessed by others. So, the users have to encrypt USB flash drive if it contains more important or sensitive data. With the help of the tool called TrueCrypt, the user can encrypt their USB flash drive.

TrueCrypt is a tool to encrypt the storage device (USB flashdrive or USB harddrive) or entire partition. Without knowing the password or correct encryption key, other persons will not able read the data on the device.


For the Encrytion, the user has to download the TrueCrypt and install on their system. After the installation process, it will run on the system. During installation, it creates System Restore Point and the user has to install that too in their system. Then run it.

Moreover, the users have to read the official user guide before using the tool. This tool will be complicated at the beginning. Reading manual may help the user to prevent any loss of data.

  • The user has to TrueCrypt volume on removable drive along with desired encpyption option.
  • After that, the user has to select the password for the TrueCrypt volume, and follow it with formatting.
  • Now the user has to mount their TrueCrypt volume and they can use it.

The TrueCrypt too can be used in Windows, Mac Platforms, and Linux.