Singapore gets World’s First Driverless Taxi

Singapore gets World’s First Driverless Taxi

Driverless Taxi in Singapore Singapore introduced the World’s first Driverless taxi service on Thursday, beating giant Uber Technologies Incorporated by mere days to public road tests of a technology that could transform the transport industry. Although, the trial is small, demonstrates how the global race has become powerful … Continue Reading →
When will your phone get Android Nougat?

When will your phone get Android Nougat?

Android Nougat Generally, the eternal question we all face when it is time for a new version of Android is and when will I get it? Well, sort of. We have the answer! By many different smartphone makers, Android is a fragmented mess that is customized. So finding out … Continue Reading →
Psychology Teaches Us about Planning the Workday

Psychology Teaches Us about Planning the Workday

Psychology tells how to plan the workday The below description explains you about what Psychology is telling about the workday. Our workdays are not governed by priorities or desires but by what’s screaming loudest and closest in our faces. You might feel the intention to have a productive … Continue Reading →
Android Auto Review

Android Auto Review

Android Auto Android Auto is brought up by the Google to get the connection relatively between your smartphone and the vehicle. Basically, you are using your phone to transmit the data onto your car’s touchscreen, thus brings the full power of Android 5.x Lollipop to top most screens … Continue Reading →
Hire a Developer When There is no Money

Hire a Developer When There is no Money

Hiring a Developer Initiating a business is quite difficult, particularly when you try to keep down the cost of your products. A question arose for an entrepreneur, “How do we persuade a developer to code even though we don’t have enough money since I’m a student yet?” It’s … Continue Reading →