Looking for Extract Text From PDF Files – Here are the tips
Nowadays PDF files has been used by many people for reading, presenting and also for many other purposes. PDF files are user friendly and it is secured. You can view them, save them and you can print the files easily. But you cannot modify the contents in PDF. However, there are some tools for doing some editing and modifying PDF files. A PDF file generally consists of images, texts and diagrams. You may find it difficult to copy some text, images and diagrams. Here are some tools which would help you to copy any things in PDF files. These tools will be helpful to extract text from pdf files.
Using PDF text extractor you can extract the text files easily from any PDF files. It is free software. The main thing the user has to do is they have to select the PDF file from which you have to extract the words, texts or paragraph. Then select the folder where you wish to save the Text files, which is extracted from this software. After selecting the desired folder, select convert option. Then the text version of the PDF file will be automatically saved in the user defined folder. User gets the extracted file quickly. The main disadvantage of this software is, it doesn’t extract all the images or diagrams.
This is also a free online application which is used for extracting images, texts, diagrams, fonts from a PDF file. This application extracts almost all the different things which are present in a PDF file. The main advantage of this software is, it doesn’t require any registration for using this application. The user has to just visit this website and upload the PDF file that you want to convert. After uploading the PDF file, it will ask you four different options, where you have to specify what you want to extract whether it is a text, image, font or metadata. After selecting the desired option, it will ask you, where you have to save the file after extraction. The main restriction of this application in the input PDF file should be less than 10Mb. Or else it could not perform the conversion function. Any URL tool can also be used in this website for extracting text, images etc. the link for downloading this software is http://www.extractpdf.com/
This is a nice application which allows the user to extract the text from PDF files. After extraction the user can convert the file easily into plain text file. During the time of extraction, it doesn’t change the format and layout of the text. Steps for using this application are given below.
- Select the input PDF file from the user’s system.
- Select the output folder where the user wants to save the extracted file.
- Then select “convert all” button.
- Once convert all is selected, it will convert the input file within few seconds.
- The link for downloading this software is http://www.pdf-helper.com/pdf-to-text/