How to add a Signature to Gmail account?

You can add a signature to Gmail account by hitting the Gear button in Gmail and open Settings. Scroll down and then enter your signature into the Signature field. Read on for additional details and instructions on making more advanced signatures that contain links, logos, and formatted text.

Adding a basic signature

Add a SignatureOpen Gmail. Make sure that you are logged in with the address that you wish to add a signature to.

Add a SignatureOpen the Settings menu. Get on the Gear icon in the top-right corner of the window, and choose Settings from the menu that shows.

Add a SignatureFind the Signature section. Go down the Settings menu awaiting you find the Signature section. You will see a text box in addition to a drop-down menu along your email address.

Add a SignatureType your signature. You can type anything you’d like into the signature field, and utilize the text formatting tools to give your signature a routine look. Signatures usually include your name, your contact information, and place of employment and title.

  • You can adjust the font, weight, colour, and frequently using the text formatting tools. A signature should be simple to read and professional. A disturbing signature will make you seem less professional to the recipient.

Add a SignatureAdd links to your signature. If you have any other websites that you wish to link to in your signature, you can insert them by hitting the Link button at the top of the signature text field. It appears like a chain.

  • If you hit on link button it will open a new window. You can type in the text that will be appeared for the link, in addition to the actual address. Also you can link to other email addresses.

Add a SignatureAdd different signatures for different addresses. If you have number of email addresses linked with your Gmail account, you can have dissimilar signatures for each one. Hit on the drop-down menu above the signature text field to select which address you wish to create a signature for.

Add a SignatureSelect where you want the signature to appear. Verify the box below the signature text field to have the signature show before any quoted replies. If you go away it unchecked, the signature will appear at the bottom of the message, underneath any quotes.

Adding images to your signature

Add a SignatureUpload your image to an image hosting service. If you like to insert an image in your signature, the image will require being available online thus it can be linked to. You can’t upload an image directly from your PC to Gmail to use in the signature.

  • You can upload your image to a multiplicity of dissimilar services, together with Photobucket,Blogger, Google Sites, Google+, or any other image hosting service.

Add a SignatureCopy the image URL. Formerly the image has been uploaded, you will required to copy the image’s URL, or address. Depending on what image hosting site you are using, possibly you could give the URL while the image is uploaded. Otherwise, you can right-click on your image and hit on “Copy image URL”.

  • The image URL should end with the image’s file type, such as .jpg or .png.

Add a SignatureAdd the image. Hit on the Insert Image button over the signature text field and novel window will open. Just paste the image URL into the field in the novel window. If you paste the correct URL, you should notice a preview of the image appear beneath the field. If no preview appears, then you possibly did not copy the correct URL.

Add a Signature If you are with a large image, then it will normally take up large space in your signature. After inserting the image, hit it in the signature text field to view the size options. At the base of the image, you can select Small, Medium, Large, and Original Size. Choose a size that allows you to view the image without taking up too large space in the signature.

  • While the image is being linked to and not really built-in the email, you don’t bother about uploading it whenever you send an email.

Add a SignatureSave the signature. Formerly you are pleased with the way the signature appears, save your changes by hitting on the Save Changes button at the underneath of the Settings menu. Your emails will now insert your fresh signature at the bottom.

This is all about How to Add a Signature to Gmail Account.

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Article and Image Source: wikiHow