Urban dictionary is a windows 8 application from which you can come to know about thousands of new words. We would like to search some words while reading any books, novels, magazines, movies etc. for this we don’t need to open net and waste our left MB by searching words. Microsoft has launched a new application for solving these kinds of issues.  From this application the user can improve their vocabulary skills also.

This is an impressive application which is designed in a very simple manner so that users can use this application effectively. The user can find this application from Windows 8 app store under Entertainment category.  The user can also search this application using windows 8 charm facility.

The features offered by urban dictionary are very useful and sufficient. The fonts used in urban dictionary are big, which will be very easy to read. There is no need for registration. Once if the user installs this application on their windows machine, then they can open this application from its icon.


The user can see a tab called word of the day in the right corner of its home page. They can see the meaning just below the word. The user can understand the meaning of the words easily because the words will be explained in an easy manner with perfect examples. The user also has an option for liking and disliking these examples and words. In the same page the user can see a block of different words, which are kept under a category called recent. The options mentioned above “word of the day” and “recent” have a refresh button attached to them. There is a category called Random words where the user can come to know about the different combinations of words.

There is also an option called “best of the year” from which the user can come to know about all the words which are famous for almost all the year on its site. Windows 8 share charm(Win + H) is a feature from which you could share the meaning of the word with your friends.


Some of the features of Urban dictionary are listed below,


  • It is totally free.
  • The user can come to know about more new words.
  • The links, definitions, meanings and examples can be shared with friends using Share charm.
  • Daily it will show you a Word of the day.
  • Meaning of the word, with relative examples makes it easier for the user to understand the words.
  • The user can use “search” option for searching any words directly.
  • The user can also set their own favorite word for a day.

Working with Windows 8 is an easy task and it is more interesting. The user can open several web sites, even without going to its official site. This is such a type of application which lets the user to search meaning for word, share the word, etc. this will work without internet connection, except during its installation time. You can learn lot of words. This is an interesting application for all type of users.