iPhone Home Screen Organization

iPhone Home Screen Organization

If you are an iPhone user and have tons of apps that have accumulated on your iPhone and are clogging up your home screen or home screens, then this article is useful for you.

You might have used numerous approaches to app organization and feel like your current iteration is the most helpful.

Where does the notification badges appear is the basic concept behind my layout. With all the different badges I was overwhelmed all over the place ranging from text, email, phone call and social media notifications. I understand that you can just turn them off individually now. On concord, I like to have a visual representation of the badges and my notifications are good at that. I was stuck between a hard and rock place.

iPhone Home Screen Organization 1

So I threw all the apps that have directly to do with communication in a folder on my dock called for communications. I also have done this for daily used apps and utilities.

iPhone Home Screen Organization 2

Just to show what I like to use, I also threw in a shot of my second home screen. Through Dashboard X from Cydia, I have found that I like to use widgets. On concord, I often don’t use them. This is my present page of widgets that I am trying out.

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