Google’s most successful social network


Google is not shutting down Google+. Unless the company has announced that Map Maker. As it is standalone tool for updating,editing and peer-reviewing maps around the world. It will be fully integrated into Google Maps by March, 2017.

Google said that the change of impetus is fairly straightforward. The company wants to reduce the overhead necessary for keeping a separate product alive because it becomes more integrated into Maps proper.


This update will enable us to focus on providing the moderation experience and best editing within Google Maps on both mobile and on desktop. We will continue to roll out new features to confirm that you’re able to do most of the things you have grown accustomed for doing in Map Maker such as edit roads, leading up to March 2017 and after.

The edits on Google Maps will no longer be available for moderation on Map Maker starts today. This allows us to streamline our efforts and speeds up the time for an edit to get published.

As we bring more features into Google Maps, we will continue posting We will continue posting updates here on the on and Map Maker Help Forum.

Many people don’t know much about Google Map Maker, especially as it is one of the company’s most popular social networks of a sort, with thousands of people actively editing and updating cartographical information on a daily basis. But you may remember this particular story, of a location near Rawalpindi, Pakistan vandalized with an Android urinating on an Apple logo, forcing Google to shut down Map Maker for a short time while it revamped its permissions.

With great power comes great responsibility.

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