How To Keep Diabetes In Control ?

diabetes food tips

Those who suffer from diabetes will always have control of their food. They afraid to eat anything and always will say” I have diabetes”.

But they will tempt to eat like everyone else and also their wish is not wrong. They can eat whatever they wish to eat but it should be in limit. Now let’s see what diabetes sufferers can eat without fear.

  • Diabetes sufferers will get scared to eat rice. They eat boiled rice or raw rice or samba rice whatever the variety of rice there won’t be changes in the effect of sugar levels in the blood. All rice will make the same effect and to avoid it you should be in limit. If you take the only chapati’s also it will make your sugar levels high. Don’t think chapatti is not rich in carbohydrate but it is less than rice.
  • Popular Diabetes Specialist Dr.Tamilselvan asks” if South Indian gets diabetes, they eat chapatti and if Punjabi gets diabetes what they will eat?” and also he says whatever cultivated in their birth soil eat it and that will be the best. But eat that in a proper way and with the limit.
  • Diabetes can eat any flour produced victuals. But that also have a scale.
  • Eat vegetables along with rice which are rich in fiber and it won’t increase the sugar levels in the blood. Especially soluble fiber is good. They also can eat nuts, lentils, pulses, soy, etc. It is better to include in your daily diet.
  • Patients typically will have sugar free snacks and biscuits other than meal time. Because they hope it won’t affect anything on their sugar levels. But really don’t eat those snacks because it will increase glucose in the blood. Instead of these, they can have fruits like apple, pineapple, banana, papaya, mango and vegetables like cucumber, carrot. It will control the hunger and healthy too. Whatever they eat limit is important.

So diabetes patients can have any food on the limit and as well take care of fiber and calcium rich foods within the limit.

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