Don’t Forget To Wish on your Friend’s Birthday


The Facebook users may forget to wish for their friend’s Birthday on the Facebook. This may happen if the user does not login to their accounts regularly. Today most of the people do not remember friend’s birthdays, they are using Facebook to make alert during friend’s birthdays. If the user does not use the Facebook daily or too busy with their work, they may miss few birthdays.

Here we provide a better solution to get rid of those problems. There are some nice apps available on Facebook that can access the user’s Facebook account daily and it post the birthday wishes on their friend’s wall during their birthdays. BirthdayFb is one of those apps and it is a very helpful app.

Before going to use this app the user has to know some things about that. The BirthdayFb does not access the users Facebook account password or other sensitive data. The app does not post anything on the user’s wall.

The user can access the BirthdayFb app by entering through the URL

Here the user has to follow two steps to schedule the birthday wishes to their friends on the Facebook. The user has to connect with their Facebook account and allow this app to access their friend’s list and their Birthdays.


When the user is having the list of their friend’s birthday, they can select the friends and post the birthday wishes on their wall during their birthdays. To do this, the user has to click the small dropdown icon in front of their friend’s name. After doing this a menu will appear.

Follow the given steps to make auto-wishes,

  • After right click the dropdown menu, select write message in it. Then the user has to write their wishes to be posted on their friend’s wall.
  • Then click save.


The task is completed. The user’s friends will receive the birthday wishes at a random time during the morning of their birthday. They will receive the birthday wishes on their wall. Moreover, the scheduled birthday list will not be known to anyone.

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The BirthdayFb app is very helpful. This will make the Facebook users to make birthday wishes to their friends regularly.