How To Install Custom Firmware On Your Router

How To Install Custom Firmware On Your Router

Install Custom Firmware On Your Router Installing custom firmware on your router leads to better router speed, intelligent traffic routing, better internet privacy, and much more features. These advanced features are the ones which the router’s default firmware cannot manage. So, if you are facing a problem with a … Continue Reading →
How To Encrypt An Android Device

How To Encrypt An Android Device

Encrypt An Android Device Google has introduced full-device encryption on Android again. The encryption of an Android device depends on the version of Android. It’s different for Android 5.x and higher and differs on some lower-end Android devices. With the lower-end Android devices, the encryption can be done manually … Continue Reading →
How to make iOS 9 easier to read in just 7 taps

How to make iOS 9 easier to read in just 7 taps

Make iOS 9 easier to read in just 7 taps When Apple released iOS 9 with similar clean design as iOS 7, made thousands of bloggers unsatisfied on such type of identical design.“It’s too lightweight! The fonts are too spindly! The background is too bright! There aren’t rectangles … Continue Reading →
How To Set Up A Nintendo Switch

How To Set Up A Nintendo Switch

Set Up A Nintendo Switch In the previous article(Nintendo Switch Review), we have discussed completely the Nintendo Switch. If buying a device is the first thing, then knowing how to set it up and how to use it is the immediate one. Without knowing the basic usage of … Continue Reading →
A Review On Nintendo Switch

A Review On Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch The Nintendo switch is not less than any space craft by NASA as it has been specially designed with every part of it. The modular design of the Nintendo Switch is meant to function as a traditional home console, portable, and stand-alone touchscreen tablet with wireless … Continue Reading →