Changing Characters on Keyboard Keys

customize the Keyboard Keys

Each of us uses the keyboard in different styles to be more efficient. In order to meet our needs, we need to rearrange key to use the variety of shortcuts and different commands. Keyboards keys can be rearranged in keyboard center. At the same time, you should note that depending on the key choices you choose to change, we will use the following ways.

How to customize the Keyboard Keys

The restructuring of a key is not a difficult task. You can rearrange any keys in any Windows version with simple steps below. But before you start this task, you need to download “Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center”. You can download it from Microsoft’s official website. The official web page is linked to the “Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center” download. After downloading, check if it is installed on your computer. Otherwise, type “Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center” in the search bar to install it. If already installed, you can see the shortcut to open the application in the search bar. To open that application, click on that shortcut.

Step 1: Connect the keyboard you want to modify the configuration and launch “Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center”.

Step 2: A list of key names on your screen will be displayed. Select the key that you want to rearrange.

Step 3: Now you can find a list of key’s comments. Select the comment you want for selected key.

That’s it! The keys of your keyboards were successfully restructured in just three simple steps. In addition, the “Easy to Access” settings in the Control Panel can be modified to suit your keyboard keys. You need to turn on “Filter Keys” in “Easy to Use Keyboard”. Then you can change keyboard settings like your preference by choosing “Setup Filter Keys”. We hope you will found how to successfully customize the keyboard as you wish.

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