Can I add small sticky notes in Windows 10 desktop?
There’s a little application incorporated with Windows 10 that you won’t know is there, or have recently skirted without more than a passing look: Sticky Notes. Be that as it may, this basic application can be a capable update device to help you plan your day.

Envision your screen loaded with Post-It notes and you’re about comprehension Sticky Notes.
It doesn’t do more, however, what it does it wells. It gives you a chance to make noticed that are so obviously not ignorable on your screen that you’ll not have the capacity to overlook them. This is what you have to know.
1. Launching the app
The initial segment of utilising Sticky Notes is knowing where to discover it. The snappiest approach to doing this is to utilise Cortana and simply type “Sticky Notes” into the search box or to utilise voice commands to dispatch it by saying “Hey Cortana, launch Sticky Notes.”

On the off chance that you need to discover it in the Start Menu, open it up, hit “All Apps” then look down to “Windows Accessories.” Sticky Notes lives inside this FOLDER.
2. Adding new notes
When you dispatch the application interestingly it’ll present you with a yellow square looking like the famous sticky notes. These aren’t intended for nitty gritty note taking, you’re better of with something like OneNote for that still. These are for snappy reminders you require all throughout the day, so keep them succinct.

Once you’ve abandoned one note, including another is simple. Hit the little “+” in the upper left and another yellow square will show up. Simply continue rehashing until you have enough. On the other hand, you can right tap on the symbol in the taskbar and after that “new note,” or utilise the console easy route “Ctrl + N.”
You have to keep the application open for your notes to stay on the screen.
3. Position
Similarly as with customary sticky notes you can put these little folks everywhere. You can lift them up and move them around the full breadth of your showcase. Simply drag, and drop. Click on the somewhat darker yellow strip and the top and go staying them wherever you need them.
4. Customise
You’re given yellow of course. In any case, you don’t need to adhere to that. Right tap on any of your notes and you can change the COLOUR to an assortment of presets. This is especially helpful in the event that you need to make certain notes emerge or simply assemble like themes by colour.

5. Cleaning up the mess
Once you’re finished with a note, disposing of it is simple. You can either simply tap the little “x” or utilise the console alternate route “Ctrl + D.” You’ll get a discourse message to check you’re certain you need to erase, yet generally, your screen will begin to exhaust.

Sticky Notes is an extremely straightforward application that is not entirely obvious. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you simply need to keep a speedy update close nearby, why not try it out.
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