Remedies For Sinus Infection
There are several reasons why people are getting effected to Sinus infection easily. People may be unaware of it. One of the main reason is that you may not know the real reason behind the sinus infection. Probably you have also suffered from sinus infection many times before. There are different reasons why the sinus infection is caused.
- Blocked Nasal Passages
- Smaller Nasal Septum
- Allergies
- Sensitive Sinuses
- Narrow Sinuses
It is fairly easy to get rid of sinus infection for some people. They usually do it with the help of antibiotics. But if you don’t want to use antibiotics often, some of the home remedies are right here for you.
1. Lemon juice
The presence of vitamin C in lemon is very useful to get rid of some sinus infections. Apart from this, lemon Juice can also be mixed with water in order to get rid of a sore throat which is usually connected to the infection of the sinus. This can help you have a feeling of relief since it can be hard to function when you are suffering from this condition.
Steps to prepare lemon juice :
- Slice a whole lemon and get the juice.
- Mix the juice in a cup of warm water.
- Add honey to taste.
- Do this about twice a day.
2. Get Rid of Sinus Infection With Hydrate at Home
When you are suffering from the sinus infection, you do not care much about the things which you do. This is because you cannot concentrate. All you want is to make yourself free from the sinus infection. Remember that you can do this if you would constantly hydrate. Try to drink a lot of fluids every day. This will help your throat to become moist. And so can prevent the onset of a sore throat.
Steps to hydrate :
- Drink a glass of water upon waking up.
- Drink about 8 – 10 glasses of water every day.
- Other fluids can also be used so as not to get tired of drinking water all the time.
3. Steam

Probably you can not realize how powerful steam can be. Especially when used against bacterial infection. Steam can help get away from the stuffy feeling into the nasal area and can help you breathe better. It can also clear up your sinuses.
Steps to steam :
- Get a pot of boiling water and pour it into a container.
- Hold your head over the pot of boiling water and start inhaling through your nose.
- Remember not to breathe too fast as you may risk burning your nose in the process.
- Do this for about a few minutes until your sinuses starts to clear up.
4. Try Dehumidifier
A lot of people are not clear about the function of a dehumidifier. It just makes sure that the temperature inside a room will stay comfortable. Simultaneously, it can also release steam that the nose needs in order to clear up.
Steps to operate dehumidifier :
- Turn on the dehumidifier.
- Stay in the room for some time.
- For best results, try to take a hot shower after. This helps the steam from the hot shower clear your nasal passages.
5. Saline Spray
The saline spray keeps the nasal passages moist. In the process, the mucus and other particles that might be causing the sinus can be reduced. At the same time, making use of the saline spray can help get rid of the allergens that might have got stuck in the nasal area.
- Make sure that you have a saline spray
- Spray on the nose about 2 – 4 times a day.
- Do this every day until the condition becomes better.
6. Garlic
Do you know that garlic has a smell that can be recognized easily? But with the sinus infection, you probably won’t be able to smell it much. Remember that it can be very helpful in fighting the staph infection, though. Because it has substances that can help get rid of certain bacteria, viruses, and even fungi.
Steps to take garlic breath :
- Boil a cup of water for a few minutes.
- Lightly crush the garlic and add it to water.
- Cover the casserole so that the steam will not go out.
- Inhale the steam from the casserole mixed in with garlic.
7. Apple Cider Vinegar
Not only apple cider vinegar is effective to eliminate sinus problems, it can also be used for various skin and hair problems. Basically, it clears up the nose for sinus so that the mucus will be eradicated immediately.
- Take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and mix it with honey.
- Pour a cup of warm water into the mixture.
- Drink this solution.
- Continue doing this about 2 – 3 times a day until the infection subsides.
8. Turmeric Powder
You may be knowing that turmeric is one of the ingredients used to clear out different toxins that may be found inside the body. What it can do for you is it can clear your sinus cavity and this will allow you to breathe better. It contains a component called curcumin that can be very helpful for clearing up the sinus.
- Take a tablespoon of turmeric powder and add it in hot water.
- Mix the solution.
- Ingest the solution to about three times a day.
9. Eucalyptus Oil
This does not only clear up your sinuses. In the process, it also makes sure that your respiratory system is stronger. It makes your system stronger to fight against sinus problems.
- Pour a few drops of the eucalyptus oil on a clean cloth.
- Inhale the oil on the cloth every time you would need it for instant relief.
- Place the oil on your bed and pillows so you can sleep well at night.
- Do this regularly.
10. Tomato Juice
Tomato has vitamin A in it. This can be very helpful in reconstructing and repairing the mucous membranes that might have become damaged because of the sinus infection.
Steps to prepare tomato juice :
- Boil a cup of tomato juice in a saucepan.
- Add lemon juice and chopped garlic to the juice.
- Stir all the ingredients for about 3 – 5 minutes.
- Drink the tomato juice at least twice a day.
These are some of the home remedies that you can try for an immediate result to get rid of your sinus infection. There may even be some other home remedies to keep away from the sinus infection than the once mentioned above.
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